Timba Website - But what is this timba ?!
...Women swivel their hips in a maneuver appropriately referred to as 'la batidora' (the blender) or do 'el tembleque' (the shake), punching the air and rippling their torsos. The men bob with a cool side-stepping motion accented with a pelvic thrust, holding their partners from behind... "The only country where you can go out and dance to live music Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is Cuba. It doesn't matter if people have to work the next day; they go out and dance and they ride home all packed together on the bus, and everyone is smiling." (Judy Cantor) |
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... And the best of the American musicians - Sanchez and his band, and Hargrove, the trumpeter - went beyond the confines of the jazz festival and its all-night jam sessions and searched out Havana's extraordinary dance bands. Hargrove joined Los Van Van, Sanchez performed with Bamboleo, Klimax and Issac Delgado's group. "one of the amazing things about Cuban music now is that there's no sense of compromise in the popular music", said Sanchez. "It's the smartest pop music I've ever heard, and while it is for a dancing audience, it is really complicated and profound." (Peter Watrous) |
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